Danzig, tiefe Temperaturen und Null Grad Fahrenheit.
Kraków and more (2016) / Trójmiasto – Brennpunkt des kurzen 20. Jahrhunderts: Gdańsk, Sopot, Gdynia und mehr (2013)
Sonntag, 30. September 2012
Freitag, 28. September 2012
Innovative Webseite für historisches Lernen
Untenstehend die Vorstellung dieses neuen Portals (auf englisch). Und hier gleich ein konkretes Beispiel, das sich auf unsere Exkursion bezieht: die polnische Adelsrepublik um Überblick.
"Historiana – Your Portal to the Past – is an international programme coordinated by EUROCLIO – European Association of History Educators. Historiana is an educational website that offers young people free access to quality education on history and heritage from a global perspective. The website is currently being developed by educators and historians from over 35 countries. The website is organized thematically and provides content that is inclusive for all people, regardless of their cultural, religious or ethnic background. Alternative themes and topics such as Human Rights, Migration and the Environment, are integrated alongside traditional ones such as the World Wars and the Industrial Revolution. Historiana helps to find relevant historical sources by featuring collections from museums, libraries and archives. The resources on Historiana underwent a thorough process of quality control including an editorial process, peer review and piloting with students. The educational activities on Historiana are learner centered, and promote key competences, such as critical thinking and multiperspectivity. The website pioneers in the innovative use of ICT for humanities, offering learning opportunities that go beyond the textbook."
"Historiana – Your Portal to the Past – is an international programme coordinated by EUROCLIO – European Association of History Educators. Historiana is an educational website that offers young people free access to quality education on history and heritage from a global perspective. The website is currently being developed by educators and historians from over 35 countries. The website is organized thematically and provides content that is inclusive for all people, regardless of their cultural, religious or ethnic background. Alternative themes and topics such as Human Rights, Migration and the Environment, are integrated alongside traditional ones such as the World Wars and the Industrial Revolution. Historiana helps to find relevant historical sources by featuring collections from museums, libraries and archives. The resources on Historiana underwent a thorough process of quality control including an editorial process, peer review and piloting with students. The educational activities on Historiana are learner centered, and promote key competences, such as critical thinking and multiperspectivity. The website pioneers in the innovative use of ICT for humanities, offering learning opportunities that go beyond the textbook."
Mittwoch, 26. September 2012
Europäische Route der Backsteingotik
Auf der europäischen Route der Backsteingotik nimmt Gdansk einen zentralen Platz ein. In der Rechtsstadt alleine (Główne Miasto) finden sich fast zehn entsprechend klassifizierte Gebäude. Das Krantor (Żuraw), der Artushof (Dwór Artusa) und die Marienkirche (Bazylika Mariacka) werden Teil unserer Stadtführung sein.
Backsteingotikbauten in Gdansk |
Montag, 24. September 2012
Freitag, 21. September 2012
Mittwoch, 19. September 2012
Günter Grass und Danzig
Und falls jemand tatsächlich Lust haben sollte, auf Günter Grass' Spuren zu wandeln, dann findet sich hier eine umfassende Anleitung.
Mittwoch, 5. September 2012
Dienstag, 4. September 2012
Montag, 3. September 2012
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